So this post is long overdue, but hello! Today I’ll be getting around to giving you guys another movie review.

Initially I wasn’t going to do a review for this movie, because I saw it on day 3 of its release and I knew there were still so many people who had yet to see it. But now that so much time has passed that won’t be a problem!😝

Right off the bat, I didn’t know what to expect of this movie, especially because I wasn’t a fan of the way the Last Jedi turned out. I also didn’t notice a lot of hype or promo for Solo, and I didn’t go out of my way to watch the trailer or look into the film myself. But I loved it!! This movie definitely is a new favourite. The cast was great, and there was a great balance between comedy, action, suspense.

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I think the movie did a great job in portraying how Han became who he is, how he met Chewy and found the Millennium Falcon. I remember not expecting it to be Chewy at all in the scene that they brought him in. I enjoyed how they initially had Chewy as a wookie that did not trust Solo, was wild and almost like an opposing character, and how he became the sidekick. I had never heard of Alden Ehrenreich before the movie so I was iffy, but I have to say he played young Solo pretty well. The same drive, confidence, and cockiness was definitely there (although nothing beats Harrison Ford let’s be real).

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I loveddd Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian. No one could have played him better! He had the charm, and in his own way an elegance (he rocked the hell out of that cape) and of course his sly ways. Donald Glover (who I first saw in the show Community) has always had his own style and ways of speaking that he adds into any dialogue. I found that I could see exactly that in every line he delivered throughout Solo and again, I loved it. I think he was the strongest cast-member that could have been picked, and he deserved more screen time.

Image result for solo a star wars story space monster  Related image

My favourite scene was the one with the space monster. I wasn’t expecting it and I think the design of the creature, the way they introduced it was amazing. It came up out of nowhere in the sense of I didn’t understand what I was looking at initially, and then it was like !! Holy shit! All you see is the tentacles and the size of it. Like I said the design of the creature was amazing and that was my favourite part about it, since I have to say I was actually disappointed at how quickly Han killed it. This scene was followed by the Star Destroyer and oh my god was that reveal awesome. It looked sooo good. 😍 (Sorry for the low-quality images, these were literally the best I could find)

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My least favourite character of the movie was definitely Qi’ra. I get that pretty much every main character of every movie has some sort of love interest or female lead, but I really didn’t think she was necessary. Yes audiences are constantly hungry for any bit of romance and will instantly devour it, but I personally found her annoying, especially towards the end of the movie. She couldn’t seem to make up her mind as to where she wanted to be and it took up time that it didn’t need to. I remember saying “just pick a side already” because I was getting tired of it and wanted the movie to go on. We (and by we I mean any and every Star Wars fan) knew that she wouldn’t last because Leia. So everyone knew from the trailer itself that whoever this female in Solo’s life would be, she wasn’t the one, she didn’t really matter. On one side I can understand that it was part of his drive, his motivation that led him to do what he did, in turn leading to all the events playing out as they did. But..did she really have to be a love interest ? Could she have not just been a best friend, partner-in-crime kinda thing who he set out to rescue ?

Anyways, I kept this review short just because I finished writing it so late. I also knew since the day I saw the movie that I only really wanted to write about these three characters since they stood out to me amongst all others, and I hope you enjoyed. Definitely let me know what you guys thought in the comments below

Until next time,


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